RX English OET Nursing


Specific to Nurses, this course provides a detailed understanding of each OET sub-test, strategies, techniques, and tactics to max the sub-tests, Grammar to enhance your learning, and medical terminology to supplement your vocabulary.

This course, apart from curated learning materials, also includes a digital coursebook containing 35 videos, 45 audio tracks and 100’s of tasks and activities, RX English OET is a well-sequenced and structured course to achieve Grade B in your OET exam.


  • Daily face to face classroom based question and Answer sessions with our expert trainers
  • Specialist Language Courses Digital book with course duration access, contains lessons, exercises and practice tests arranged beautifully to maximize learning authored by Virginia Allum
  • Live Classes by expert OET PPP (Preliminary Preparation Provider, Official OET) Tutors
  • Access to Robert Foundation Online library and practice material from the Robert Foundation Google Drive
  • Course duration options; 2 months, 3 months
  • Dual language proficient teachers, English and Malayalam, to enhance better understanding of concepts

4 hours class every day

Mandatory – Trainer based

Timing: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

4 hours class every day

Mandatory – Practise – both self and trainer based

Timing : 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Learning outcomes will be evaluated on a weekly basis through a weekly test for all four modules. The results of the weekly tests will not be published publicly but will be provided to students on an individual basis.

Add-on course will be suggested if need be and students are expected to take on the add-on courses to achieve success.

The weekly test will be held on Saturday mornings and individual / group Q&A sessions will be held in the afternoons.



Specific to Nurses, this course provides a detailed understanding of each OET sub-test, strategies, techniques, and tactics to max the sub-tests, Grammar to enhance your learning, and medical terminology to supplement your vocabulary.

This course, apart from curated learning materials, also includes a digital coursebook containing 35 videos, 45 audio tracks and 100’s of tasks and activities, RX English OET is a well-sequenced and structured course to achieve Grade B in your OET exam.


  • Daily face to face classroom based question and Answer sessions with our expert trainers
  • Specialist Language Courses Digital book with course duration access, contains lessons, exercises and practice tests arranged beautifully to maximize learning authored by Virginia Allum
  • Live Classes by expert OET PPP (Preliminary Preparation Provider, Official OET) Tutors
  • Access to Robert Foundation Online library and practice material from the Robert Foundation Google Drive
  • Course duration options; 2 months, 3 months
  • Dual language proficient teachers, English and Malayalam, to enhance better understanding of concepts
Course Format

4 hours class every day

Mandatory – Trainer based

Timing: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

4 hours class every day

Mandatory – Practise – both self and trainer based

Timing : 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Learning Outcome

Learning outcomes will be evaluated on a weekly basis through a weekly test for all four modules. The results of the weekly tests will not be published publicly but will be provided to students on an individual basis.

Add-on course will be suggested if need be and students are expected to take on the add-on courses to achieve success.

The weekly test will be held on Saturday mornings and individual / group Q&A sessions will be held in the afternoons.